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Thursday, September 17th 2020

Reckoning 5 is reading submissions on Environmental Justice

They want creative writing (creative non-fiction, fiction, poetry) about environmental justice. For prose their guidelines say, “For Reckoning 5, I want stories that elicit a sense of wonder about the environment. We all know that biodiversity is endangered, but our hyper-urban lifestyles are making us so out of touch with the natural world that it’s sometimes easier to imagine complete environmental destruction than to look at the environment we still do have. ... I will consider exceptional stories that fall somewhat outside of that theme, as long as they address the topic of environmental justice.” Their general guidelines say, “Fiction preferably at least a tiny bit speculative, nonfiction preferably more creative than journalistic, poetry tending towards the narrative and preferably with some thematic heft, art leaning away from the pulpy heavily towards the political. But the heart of what we want is your searingly personal, visceral, idiosyncratic understanding of the world and the people in it as it has been, as it is, as it will be, as it could be, as a consequence of humanity’s relationship with the earth.” They actively seek work from Indigenous writers and artists, writers and artists of color, queer and transgender writers and artists, and anyone who has suffered the consequences, intended or otherwise, of dominant society’s systemic disconnect with and mistreatment of the natural world. They also welcome writing in Spanish, French or Swedish for potential translation, and work already translated into English, for which they pay the same rate to both author and translator. Pay is 8c/word, up to 20,000 words for prose. Details here (general guidelines) and here (submission portal).

Deadline: 22 September 2020