Updates & Calls

Friday, July 15th 2022

Geez Magazine is Accepting Pitches for “Geez 67 Crafting for the End of the World”

Geez Magazine is a quarterly print magazine about “social justice, art, and activism for people at the fringes of faith in both Canada and the US.” They are accepting pitches for “Geez 67 Crafting for the End of the World.” They want your “patterns, recipes, how-tos, reflections on the power of craft, the mysteries of making, and the resistance in fashioning.” They pay $50 to $100 per piece. To learn more, refer to their Tweet and call for pitches.

Deadline: August 5th, 2022

Sunday, April 25th 2021

Geez Magazine is Accepting Pitches for Dismantling White Supremacist Theology

Geez Magazine is a quarterly print magazine about “social justice, art, and activism for people at the fringes of faith in both Canada and the US.” They are accepting pitches for stories, prayers, history, poems, actions, and art for Dismantling White Supremacist Theology. They usually pay $30 to $100. To learn more, read their Tweet and call for pitches.

Deadline: May 15th, 2021

Tuesday, January 19th 2021

Geez Magazine is Seeking Pitches for Food Justice Issue

Geez Magazine is a quarterly print magazine about “social justice, art, and activism for people at the fringes of faith in both Canada and the US.” They are looking for pitches for their Food Justice issue. Their call for pitches says, “Digging deep into the dirt, we lift up the beauty, spirit, and power that is inherent in growing food. We hope to talk compost and canning, seed saving and survival, and dependence on community rather than corporations.” They are seeking “long-form journalism, personal stories of transformation, short bursts of feelings, and nuggets of inspiration.” They pay $30 to $100 per piece. For details, refer to their Tweet and call for pitches.

Deadline: February 15th, 2021