Tuesday, January 21st 2025
Retro Dodo is a retro gaming website. They’re accepting feature pitches from retro gaming journalists. They’re looking for unique stories on retro gaming culture and collectibles. Rate is £250 to £300 per feature (2,000 words). If interested, direct your pitches to pitches@retrododo.com. To read their post, click here. To visit their contact page, click here.
Sunday, March 12th 2023
Retro Dodo is a retro gaming website. They have tweeted, “We’re looking for feature pitches about trading/collectible card games! Have a unique story about Pokémon Cards, Magic The Gathering or Yu-Gi-Oh?” Send your pitches via DM on Twitter or email pitches@retrododo.com. Budget is £150 for 2,000 words. To read their tweet, click here. To visit their ‘contact’ page, click here.